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50 Ma high frequency mobile X ray film []

Product Categories:Portable X-ray machine
Add Time:2022/7/11 9:09:47

Support Hotline: 0755-27955177
Product Description


Tube current: 50mA

2、 电源条件:220V±22V、50Hz±1Hz,内阻不大于1.0Ω

2, the power supply condition: 220V + 22V, 50Hz + 1Hz, the resistance is not greater than 1.

3、 曝光方式:有线控制/无线控制

3, exposure mode: wired control / wireless control

二、 性能特点

Two, performance characteristics

1、 结构采用人体工程学设计,外型小巧美观,操作使用方便;

1, the structure of the human body engineering design, compact and beautiful appearance, easy to operate;

2、 采用高频逆变技术,射线品质好,皮肤剂量低;

2, the use of high frequency inverter technology, good quality, low radiation skin;

3、 kV闭环控制、mAs数字闭环控制技术,微电脑实时控制,剂量准确重复性好;

3, kV closed loop control, mAs digital closed-loop control technology, microcomputer real time control, dose accurate repeatability is good;

4、 采用kV、mAs调节摄影参数,带背光LCD显示,具有多重安全保护功能;

4, the use of mAs, kV adjustment of photographic parameters, with the LCD display, with multiple security features;

5、 设有50个拍片程序,用户可自行修改和保存,使操作更为方便;

5, a 50 film program, users can modify and save, make the operation more convenient;

6、 高品质组合式X射线发生器,大大减少射线辐射量,对环境保护及操作人员更安全;

6, high quality combined X ray generator, greatly reducing the amount of radiation, the environment protection and operation personnel is more secure;

7、 采用可旋转式限束器,拍摄范围和角度可以自由调节,拍片定位方便准确;

7, the rotary beam limiter, shooting range and angle can be adjusted freely, convenient and accurate shooting position;

8、 采用手控、遥控双控制摄影功能,无线遥控曝光控制,不受障碍物阻挡,操作更加方便。

8, the use of manual control, remote control, dual control, wireless remote control exposure control, without obstruction, operation more convenient.

三、 临床范围

Three, clinical scope


This machine is a combination of high frequency X ray photographic medical diagnostic equipment, which is used in the Department of Radiology, Department of orthopedics, ward, emergency room, operation room, ICU, etc., to meet the needs of the human body's head, limbs, chest, spine and other parts of the body.